Lesley University - Cambridge, MA - PhD in Educational Studies, 2022 - present

Lesley University - Cambridge, MA - Graduate Certificate Program in Arts in Health, 2020 - 2022

Maine Media College - Rockport, ME - Master of Fine Arts in Photography/Media Studies, 2016 - 2019

Bowdoin College - Brunswick, ME - Bachelor of Arts in Art History with a Minor in German, 1983 - 1987



Susan Teare Photography: Owner - Essex Junction, VT, 1997 - present 

Fine Homebuilding Magazine: Blog Writer, Through the Lens - Essex, VT, 2014 - 2020 

ABC’s Extreme Makeover—Home Edition,, and Getty Images: Contributing Photographer, 2006 - present

The Yellow Tulip Project: Creative Advisor - Falmouth, ME, 2020 - present



Yellow Tulip Project Teaching Artist - Vermont & Maine, 2021 - present

Cambridge School System: Student Mentor - Cambridge, MA, 2021 - present

Congressional Art Competition: Judge - In collaboration with VT Arts Council - Montpelier, VT, 2021

University of Vermont: Guest Lecturer for student-facilitated course titled: Sense of Place in the Anthropocene - Essex, VT, 2019 

Essex High School: Guest Artist/Educator for Professional Artist Workshop for Academy of Visual and Performing Arts - Essex, VT, 2019 

Lake Champlain Waldorf School: Guest Instructor for outdoor classroom studies about Land Art in collaboration with high school Art and German language teachers - Essex, VT, 2019 

River Arts/Community Arts Center: Teacher for workshop titled: Photographing Architectural Spaces & Landscape Design: From Start to Finish - Morrisville, VT, 2016-17 

Local Vermont High School Internships: Teaching Artist/Mentor - Chittenden County, VT, 2002 - present


Solo Artist: “Hope Happens” - Siy Gallery, San Francisco, CA, July 15, 2021 - August 15, 2021

Co-Artist: “Find Your Own Space” - Site-specific installation with Kirk Teare - Lemon Fair Sculpture Park, Shoreham, VT, June 2021 - October 2021

Group Artist: "Art of Healing - A Group Exhibition Exploring the Intersection of Art and Mental Health” - Siy Gallery, San Francisco, CA, April 2021

Artist-in-Residence: “2020 Vermont Artist Week” - Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT, July 2020 

Group Artist: “One Word - A Group Show” - An annual multimedia exhibit - Burlington, VT, 2009 - present 

MFA Candidate: “Stirring Embers” - Thesis Exhibition at Pascal Hall Gallery - Rockport, ME, November 2019 

Contributing Photographer: “The Landscape Architecture of Lawrence Halprin” - Denver, CO, 2016 - 2021

Profiled Gallery Artist: “The Art of Place - Celebrating 25 years of Peregrine Design/Build” - Seven Days Publication, Burlington, VT, October 2013 

Featured Photographer: “Drawn to Light: In Architecture, Light Brings Design to Life” - Professional Photographer Magazine, Atlanta, GA, June 2012 


The Organic Artist for Kids by Nick Neddo, Quarry Books, 2020 

Junk Beautiful She Sheds by Sue Whitney, The Taunton Press Inc., 2018 

The New Cottage by Katie Hutchison, The Taunton Press, Inc., 2018 

The New Landscaping Ideas That Work by Julie M. Messervy, The Taunton Press, Inc., 2018 

Styling with Salvage: Designing and Decorating with Reclaimed Materials by Joanne Palmisano, The Countryman Press, 2018 

The New Small House by Katie Hutchison, The Taunton Press, Inc., 2015 

The Organic Artist by Nick Neddo, Quarry Books, 2015 

Salvage Secrets Design and Decor: Transform Your Home With Reclaimed Materials by Joanne Palmisano, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2014 

Landscaping Ideas That Work by Julie M. Messervy, The Taunton Press, Inc., 2013 

Salvage Secrets: Transforming Reclaimed Materials Into Design Concepts by Joanne Palmisano, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2011 

Architectural Record 

Best of Burlington 

Better Homes and Gardens 

Birds and Bloom 

Cabin Life 

Cottages and Bungalows 

Country Living 

Design New England 


EcoHome Magazine 

Fine Homebuilding 

Garden Design 

HGTV Magazine 

Log Cabin Homes 

Maine Home + Design 

Maine Women Magazine 

New England Home Magazine 

Ocean Home 

SKI Magazine 

The Boston Globe 

This Old House 

Timber Home Living 

Vermont Magazine 

Vermont Life 

USA Today 

Yankee Magazine